How could Perpetual Prayer Cards change the life of someone you know? Read the below testimonial to get a glimpse.
"I would like to share with you how God can open doors in your life. He opened a door in my first meeting with the Lanphear family at Otsego SDA Church.
"I dropped in one Sabbath in a small town Church in Otsego Michigan. As the church service was over I was greeting other church members as it normally happens as you leave the sanctuary. In doing so I shard my full name with one church member a Mrs. Mindy Lanphear. She shared one of Roger Morneau booklets with me as a gift for visiting their church. She asked me if I was familiar with the book, and I said yes, as well as with the author. She then said I have heard your last name before. She ask me about my last name in connection to the book, and I informed her I was the daughter in law to Cyril Grosse Sr., the man that brought Roger Morneau to the Lord about a century ago before my husband was born.
"What a small world this turned out to be, that in visiting this SDA church this Sabbath that there will be a connection to someone’s life based on my father-in law sharing some bible study lessons with a Man named Roger Morneau in Canada.
"As we talked, Mrs. Mindy excitedly introduced me to her husband Mr. John Lanphear. I learned that Mr. Lanphear had strengthen his faith in Christ from reading all of Roger Morneau books, and was so moved that he had put into practice of praying for other through a perpetual prayer list like Roger had. After many years of praying for people as he wrote them into his perpetual prayer book, He wanted to help teach others how to pray for others as he had learned from Roger Morneau’s books. He shared with me that God had given him a Perpetual Prayer Card (PPC) ministry idea to help people start this kind of prayer ministry. He shared with me a card that read Perpetual Prayer Cards, that had a place to put someone’s name and request on it so that you can hold that person up in prayer, and you can detach from this card a section of it to leave the person with your personal information as well. If they needed reconnection with that person or a SDA Church there is an address if that person wanted at a later date to visit the church.
"I know for a fact that they will be welcomed to this Otsego church, since on my first visit I was warmly welcomed. This Church practices what they preach, because in the Fourier of this church was a stacks of Roger Morneau’s books, to be distributed into the community, along with the Perpetual cards for sharing. Impressive! Was my thinking, someone here is on the ball.
"Perpetual Prayer Cards moved my heart to see that our Family, through Roger Morneau’s ministry, had left such a legacy behind for other to follow.
"Perpetual Prayer Cards message is Praying for other as Roger spend several hours a day praying for others. PPC ministries are lifting-up their prayer card person’s in prayer as Roger use too.
"PPC ministry has found a way to compact their prayer list for travel as they stay connected to their on-going prayer list.
"I have found that PPC ministry practices and holds true to Matthew 7:7-8 as one of their key promises that the Bible have given.
"Promising to pray for someone and actually doing so is a very different thing, PPC allows you to hold a person up to the Lord in prayer, as you have promised that person that you will.
"I am happy that I am listed on PPC card promise, knowing that I too am being lifted up in prayer.
Mrs. Olive Grossé"
Used by Perpetual Prayer Cards with permission.